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Catchment Area Treatment Plan

The main aim of the CAT is to rejuvenate various potential and degraded ecosystems in the catchment area. To achieve this goal an action plan is made with the following objectives:-
  • - To facilitate the hydrological functioning of the catchment and to augment the quality of water of the river and its tributaries
  • - Conservation of soil cover and to arrest the soil erosion, floods and siltation of the river and its tributaries and consequent reduction of siltation in the reservoir of the project
  • - Demarcation of the priority of sub watersheds of treatment on the basis of soil erosion intensity in the catchment area
  • - Rehabilitation of degraded forest through afforestation
  • - Mitigation of landslide landslip and rock falls
  • - Soil conservation through biological and engineering measures to reduce sediment load in river and tributaries, thus improving the quality of water
  • - Ecosystem conservation resulting from increased vegetative cover and water retaining properties of soil
  • - Employment generation through community participation and conservation